Tuesday 18 June 2013

[Build Backlinks Online] How to Completely Ruin (or Save) Your Website with Redirects

Build Backlinks Online has posted a new item, 'How to Completely Ruin (or Save)
Your Website with Redirects'

Posted by Cyrus Shepard
Have you ever redirected a page hoping to see a boost in rankings, but nothing
happened? Or worse, traffic actually went down?
When done right, 301 redirects have awesome power to
clean up messy architecture, solve outdated content problems and improve
user experience â all while preserving link equity and your ranking
When done wrong, the results can be disastrous.
In the past year, because Google cracked down hard on low quality links, the
potential damage from 301 mistakes increased dramatically. There's also evidence
that Google has slightly changed how they handle non-relevant redirects, which
makes proper implementation more important than ever.

From Dr. Pete's post -An SEO's Guide to HTTP Status Codes

Semantic relevance 101: anatomy of a "perfect" redirect
perfect 301 redirect works as a simple âchange of addressâ for your

content. Ideally, this means everything about the page except the URL
stays the same including content, title tag, images, and layout.
done properly, we know from testing and statements from Google that a
301 redirect passes somewhere around 85% of its original link equity.
new page doesnât have to be a perfect match for the 301 to pass equity,
but problems arise when webmasters use the 301 to redirect visitors to
non-relevant pages. The further away you get from semantically relevant
content, the less likely your redirect will pass maximum link equity.
example, if you have a page about âlabrador,â then redirecting to a
about âdogsâ makes sense, but redirecting to a page about
âtacosâ does not.

A clue to this devaluation comes from the manner in which search engines deal
with content that changes significantly over a period of time.
The famous Google patent, Information retrieval based on historical data,
explains how older links might be ignored if the text of a page changes
significantly or the anchor text pointing to a URL changes in a big way (I added
the bold):
...the domain may show up in search results for queries that are no longer on
topic. This is an undesirable result.

One way to address this problem is to estimate the date that a domain changed
its focus. This may be done by determining a date when the text of a document
changes significantly or when the text of the anchor text changes significantly.
All links and/or anchor text prior to that date may then be ignored or
If these same properties apply to 301 redirects, it goes a long way in
explaining why non-relevant pages don't get a boost from redirecting off-topic
301 redirecting everything to the home page
SEOs have known for a long time that redirecting a huge number of pages
to a home page isnât the best policy, even when using a 301. Recent
statements by Google representatives suggest that Google may go a step
further and treat bulk redirects to the home page of a website as 404s,
or soft 404s at best.
means that instead of passing link equity through the 301, Google may
simply drop the old URLs from its index without passing any link equity
at all.
itâs difficult to prove exactly how search engines handle mass home page
redirects, itâs fair to say that any time you 301 a large number of
pages to a single questionably relevant URL, you shouldnât expect those
redirects to significantly boost your SEO efforts.

Better alternative: When necessary, redirect relevant pages to closely related
URLs. Category pages are better than a general homepage.
the page is no longer relevant, receives little traffic, and a better
page does not exist, itâs often perfectly okay to serve a 404 or 410
status code.
Danger: 301 redirects and bad backlinks
Penguin, SEOs widely believed that bad links couldnât hurt you, and
redirecting entire domains with bad links wasnât likely to have much of
an effect.
Then Google dropped the hammer on low-quality links.
If the Penguin update and developments of the past year have taught us anything,
itâs this:
When you redirect a domain, its bad backlinks go with it.

often roll up several older domains into a single website, not
realizing that bad backlinks may harbor poison that sickens the entire
effort. If youâve been penalized or suffered from low-quality backlinks,
itâs often easier and more effective to simply stop the redirect than to
try and clean up individual links.
Individual URLs with bad links
same concept works at the individual URL level. If you redirect
a single URL with bad backlinks attached to it, those bad links will then point
to your new URL.
In this case, itâs often better to simply drop the page with a 404 or 410,
and let those links drop from the index.
Infinite loops and long chains
you perform an SEO audit on a site, youâll hopefully discover any
potentially harmful redirect loops or crawling errors caused by
overly-complex redirect patterns.
itâs generally believed that Google will follow many, many redirects,
each step has the potential to diminish link equity, dilute anchor text
relevance, and lead to crawling and indexing errors.

One or two steps is generally the most you want out of any redirect chain.
New changes for 302s
SEOs typically hate 302s, but recent evidence suggests search engines may now be
changing how they handle them âat least a little.
Google knows that webmasters make mistakes, and recent
tests by Geoff Kenyon showed that 302 redirects have potential to pass link
equity. The theory is that 302s (meant to be temporary) are so
often implemented incorrectly, that Google treats them as âsoftâ
301s.So, not only do search engines limit us when we try to get too clever, but
they also help to keep us from shooting ourselves in the foot.
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